Tree-planting promotion-themed bus hits the road in Guangzhou
GDToday 2024-06-06 10:19

Photo provided to GDToday

A "Plant a Tree for Guangdong" themed bus began operating in Guangzhou on June 3. With its vibrant design combining the tree-planting theme and iconic elements of the city, this bus has become a striking green sight around town. The themed bus will be running until early August and is expected to carry around 3.82 million people.

Photo provided to GDToday

The bus, operated on Guangzhou's well-known Route Six, travels a north-south route through key districts including Yuexiu, Tianhe, and Liwan. It passes major roads such as Xianlie East Road and Tianhe North Road, connecting traditional commercial hubs like Shahe, Beijing Road, and Huangsha. Passengers on this bus can visit popular spots like Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street and Beijing Road Pedestrian Street, as well as historical and cultural landmarks like the Nanyue King's Palace Museum, Huanghuagang Park.

Aligning with the Green and Beautiful Guangdong Campaign, the "Plant a Tree for Guangdong" themed bus encourages public participation in ecological efforts and makes environmental conservation a part of everyday life.

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