Dance Drama Loong Showcases the Essence of Lingnan Dragon Boat Culture
Foshan China 2024-06-18 15:27

During the recent Dragon Boat Festival holiday, "dragon boat fever" swept across the country, propelling dragon boat culture onto the international stage. Taking advantage of the popularity of dragon boat racing online, on June 16, the large-scale original contemporary dance drama "Loong" was performed at the at the Guangdong Friendship Theatre. Foshan organized an on-site viewing for overseas Chinese from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, as well as expats and participants.

The contemporary dance drama "Loong" rooted in the millennium-old dragon boat culture, is China's first production to interpret this cultural theme. The production has been selected as an "Outstanding Performance" at the 14th National Dance Exhibition.

The drama tells the story of the upcoming International Dragon Boat Championship. Coach Li Jianjian is tasked with assembling a dragon boat team, gathering outstanding young people from Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, as well as from across the country, to represent the nation. They bravely face challenges and forge ahead, ultimately bringing honor to their country. It showcases the contemporary spirit of Chinese youth uniting in solidarity.

The dance drama "Loong" meticulously prepared over three years, involved numerous research trips by the creative team to places like Shunde. They visited local dragon boat museums, associations, training bases, and met with inheritors of dragon boat raps, aiming to authentically portray the athletic grace and robust strength of rowing dragon boats.

Additionally, the drama presents elements of the athletes' daily training and life through various artistic techniques. This includes using portable displays to showcase virtual backgrounds and scenes, enhancing the atmosphere and dynamic energy of dragon boat races, and delivering an immersive stage experience.

"Watching the performance feels like being at the actual competition, it's truly awe-inspiring!" remarked by He Guocai, one of the guests. The production showcases the bravery, striving spirit, and unity of Chinese people, providing audiences in the Greater Bay Area a new perspective on dragon boat culture.

Reporter | Eleanor

Revisor | Eddie, Zoey

Photo | Foshan News and Media Center

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