Adapted from the Bad Kids, a critically acclaimed suspense novel by master Jinchen Zi, the 12-episode series Bad Kids has caused a wave of binge-watching among the Chinese audiences in 2020. Now this all-time classic will be presented again in a musical this March in Foshan.
The story is unfolded with three innocent kids in a small coastal town, who unintentionally filmed a planned murder when taking selfies. It is a story of love, a story of truth fighting against lie.
Artistically, the play features lots of incidents for reasoning. One episode is well written to connect with the other, therefore captivating peoples attention all the way through.
Ticketing Information
March 18, 2022 (Friday) 19:30
March 19, 2022 (Saturday) 19:30
135 minutes (a 15-minute interval inclued)
How to Buy:
Scan the QR code below
Author | Jersey
Revisor | Ivy
Source | Foshan Performing Arts Center