Foshan a 3-year blueprint for emiconductor and circuit industry
Foshan China 2022-06-27 20:40
Recently, Foshan has released a three-year plan regarding semiconductor and integrated circuit industry, aiming to increase provincial competitiveness. 

It states that, relevant industry is expected to achieve over 10 billion revenues by 2025, which is one driven factor in economy development. 
To achieve this goal, it has illustrated a development pattern. Leaded by the market demand, enterprises should focus on the innovation of new display materials and semiconductors. Additionally, sensors and power meters are considered as two of the breakpoints. 
By 2025, Foshan aims to cultivate a group of leading electronic enterprises with region influence and build a communication platform accordingly. Eventually, Foshan will develop an ecosystem of semiconductor industries with local characteristics. 
Author | Eddie
Revisor | Jersey, Ivy
Photo | Foshan Daily