Foshan kickstarted 2022 Night Consumption Festival
Foshan China 2022-06-27 20:50
Started from June 25th, Foshan has started 2022 Night Consumption Festival, including seven theme activities to stimulate consumption. 
Seven theme activities are listed as:
1. Discount issued from the bank
2. Home appliances shopping event
3. Discount in live stream
4. Group discount on vehicle purchase
5. Coupon related to travelling and cultural activities
6. Discount provided by shopping malls
7. Discount if using social security cards 
Currently, this event has covered multiple business complexes like Foshan Creative Industry Park, Florentia Village, supermarket like WalMart. Overall, there are over 3000 companies, 16 financial banks registered for this event, and over 30 million coupon are provided for citizens. 
Author | Eddie
Revisor | Jersey, Ivy
Photo | Foshan Daily