【Bilingual】健康码变黄码怎么办?What To Do in Case of Yellow Health Code
佛山市卫生健康局、佛山市外事局 2022-07-18 10:41





Why is your health code yellow? 

How to turn it from yellow to green? 




According to experts from Foshan CDC, the health code of people in the following 3 cases will turn yellow: 


1.People having space-time overlaps at the same or surrounding key premises with the positive case. 


2.People coming (returning) to Foshan from other areas of medium and high risks in Guangdong. 


3.People coming (returning) to Foshan from the towns(districts or cities) with medium-or-high-risks areas outside Guangdong, and being identified and confirmed with infection risks. 


Please refer the FAQ on the right side of the health code page if having questions, or refer to the tag bellow the yellow health code for more guidelines(See the pictures bellow). 






People with yellow health codes should follow the guidance in the mobile short message and have nucleic acid tests at the nearest sampling site designated for people with yellow health codes (please refer to the following form for the address of sampling sites). After the sampling, the yellow health code will turn green. 


  • 例如,要求“三天两检”的,按要求三天内进行两次检测,保证每次核酸检测间隔24小时,采样后就会自动转码。 

  • For instance, if the mobile short message indicates that two tests are required within 3 days, that means people with yellow health codes should take two tests within three days. The interval between two tests should be 24 hours. After the two tests, the yellow health code will turn green.