12 bus routes debuted on Foshan Public Transportation Week
Foshan China 2022-09-21 14:40

On September 19th, the 2022 Green Travel Month and Public Transportation Week was initiated at the bus station of Foshan Women and Children Hospital (Foshan New City Campus). The event features both online and offline activities.



Regarding offline activities, the 21 Days Green Travel Month Event will start from September 19th to October 18th. Moreover, 16 groups of families will be invited to the cycling event on September 24thto discover the change in Foshan public transportation.



In terms of online activities, there is one bar-code released on September 20th, presenting the upcoming update on transportation facilities.



Additionally, there are 12 bus metro connection lines putting into operation. They are operated during the peak hours every weekday morning and afternoon. 


The price is 2 yuan per person per timeand passengers swiping cards can enjoy a discount.


12 metro bus connection lines are listed below:
1.M1001 (Kuiqi Lu Station)
2.M1002 & M1003(Zumiao Station)
3.M1005 (Zhihui Xincheng Station)
4.M1006 (Zhangcha Station)
5.M1007 (Shiliang Station)
6.M2002 & M2003 (Qiandeng Lake Station)
7.M2004 (Financial Hi-Tech Zone Station)
8.M3001 (Xincheng Dong Station)
9.M3002 (Dengzhou Station)
10.M3003 (Beijiao Park Station)


Author | Eddie
Revisor | May