A romantic flower gallery to enjoy in Foshan
Foshan China 2022-10-19 10:39

​Besides the color of golden which represents harvest, you can also see the color of reddish-purple as autumn arrives in Foshan. On days when it was not blooming season, bougainvillea, however, fills the streets of Foshan.



Near the bridges, you can smell the fragrance of the blossoms in the breeze. Countless bees and butterflies flutter among the flowers, forming a beautiful picture.

Without the shelters of houses and trees, the bougainvillea near the bridges makes a colorful ribbon.



The flower language of bougainvillea is passion. They are colorful when they bloom, just like the enthusiastic Foshan people, who are vibrant and romantic.

Lets go out to feel and record the beautiful autumn in the flower sea.


Author | May

Revisor | Jersey, Linn, Eleanor