The 2nd Beijing-Foshan Talent Development Conference Held in Beijing: Inviting Talents from Beijing to Foshan
Foshan China 2024-06-27 13:55

The source of developing new productive forces lies in technological innovation, with the ultimate goal being industrial upgrading, and the key being talent support. To promote the integration of new technologies, new elements, and new industries, and to establish a platform for industrial and technological talent exchange between Foshan and Beijing, the second Beijing-Foshan Talent Development Conference was held in Beijing on June 22.

The second Beijing-Foshan Talent Development Conference

The conference, themed "Industrial and Technological Integration for New Quality Dynamics - Jointly Building New Quality Power by Beijing and Foshan," was co-hosted by the Foshan Talent Work Bureau, the Foshan Municipal Government's Beijing Office, the Foshan Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the Foshan High-Tech Industrial Development Zone Management Committee, and the Foshan Talent Development Group Co., Ltd., with guidance from the Foshan Municipal Government and the Guangdong Provincial Government's Beijing Office. The aim is to promote a batch of technological innovation achievements and industrial cooperation, attract more Beijing scientific research achievements, technology companies, institutional platforms, and high-end talents to settle in Foshan, thus empowering Foshan's high-quality manufacturing development.

As the capital of China, Beijing is a hub for technological innovation and high-end industries, standing at the forefront of the nation in these fields. Foshan, known for its robust manufacturing sector, is the fourth city in China with an industrial output value exceeding 3 trillion yuan. With a solid industrial foundation and a vibrant business environment, Foshan provides fertile ground for Beijing's technological innovations and talents. The collaboration between Beijing's technology and Foshan's industry promises a bright future.

Representatives of Beijing’s research institutions, companies and college students have attended the conference.

In his speech, Zhou Zixiao, member of the Standing Committee of the Foshan Municipal Committee and the head of the Foshan Organization Department, emphasized Foshan's rapid progress in building an internationally influential manufacturing innovation hub. He highlighted Foshan's commitment to treating talents as treasures and working closely with enterprises. He expressed hope that this event would foster the integration of technology and industry, thus empowering Foshan's high-quality development. Zhou extended a sincere invitation to entrepreneurs and talents to choose Foshan as their base for innovation and career development.

Lu Wenyong, Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of the Foshan Municipal Committee, introduced the city's talent development environment. He detailed Foshan's strengths: continuous optimization of software and hardware, the rich cultural heritage of Lingnan, numerous opportunities in the manufacturing sector, and comprehensive services supporting talent and enterprises.

During the conference, the "Beijing-Foshan iCreate Industrial Technology Matching Platform" was launched, with over 40 companies releasing more than 50 research and technology requirements. These requirements span eight major industries, including high-end equipment manufacturing, home furnishings, new-generation electronic information technology, and intelligent manufacturing equipment and robotics, with a total research funding exceeding 30 million yuan. Wu Hao, Director of the Foshan Municipal Government's Beijing Office, expressed hopes that the platform would facilitate long-term cooperation between Beijing's research teams and Foshan's enterprises, aiding the high-quality development of Foshan's manufacturing sector.

At the conference site, "Beijing-Foshan iCreate Industrial Technology Matching Platform" and Beijing-Foshan Talent Development Exchange Series Event were launched.

The conference saw the collective signing of 13 cooperative projects, encompassing industrial and technological cooperation, industrial park cooperation, and talent cooperation between Beijing and Foshan. These projects reflect the flourishing collaboration between Beijing's talent teams, research institutes, and Foshan's government and enterprises, significantly contributing to the integration of Beijing's intellectual resources with Foshan's manufacturing capabilities.

13 projects spanning three major categories, Beijing-Foshan Industrial Technology Collaboration, Beijing-Foshan Industrial Park Collaboration and Beijing-Foshan Industrial Talent Collaboration, were signed at the event site.

The "Beijing-Foshan iCreate Space" was officially launched, focusing on Industry, Innovation, and Infinity. This initiative leverages Beijing's advantages as a hub of talent and technological innovation, offering a comprehensive service system from incubation to transformation. Once matured, these projects will accelerate in Foshan High-Tech Industrial Development Zone. Tan Yanling, Deputy Director of the Foshan High-Tech Industrial Development Zone Management Committee, hopes this "Beijing Incubation + Foshan Transformation" model will inject new vitality into Foshan's industrial development.

Simultaneously, a series of Beijing-Foshan talent development activities were launched, including the "Tsinghua Entrepreneurs Foshan Tour and Visit to Hundred Billion Enterprises" event, the "Talents Gather in Foshan" Beijing-Foshan Talent Recruitment Event, and the "Youth Foshan - Aspiring Power" University Tour. These activities, planned to take place in September, aim to further strengthen talent exchange and cooperation between Beijing and Foshan. Su Yan, Director of the Foshan Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, announced plans to organize recruitment presentations and on-site consultations at Beijing universities, alongside the "Charming Foshan Tour" experiential camp for Beijing students.

The conference also featured keynote speeches from academicians Chen Xuedong and Luo Yi of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, who shared their research results and experiences in cultivating new productive forces, offering valuable insights for Foshan's tailored development strategies.

Over 150 representatives from Foshan's relevant departments, Beijing office of Guangdong Province, research teams, enterprises, and universities from both Beijing and Foshan have attended the event.

Reporter | Eddie

Revisor | Lynn, Eleanor

Photo | Foshan News and Media Center

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