Foshan Enterprises Gain Direct Access to Top-tier University Research for Innovation Boost
Foshan China 2023-12-01 17:30

The technology torch is currently illuminating Foshan's high-tech industries. On November 23rd, the 2023 Torch Express Sci-tech Achievement Transformation Cooperation (Foshan) (Hereinafter referred to as the 2023 Torch Express) and the Awarding Ceremony for the Demonstration Projects of New Technology Application Scenario were held at Jihua Laboratory. This marks the fifth consecutive year that Foshan National High-Tech Industrial Development Zone (Hereinafter referred to as FHIDZ) has hosted this event. It has brought solutions from science and innovation hubs such as Beijing and Hong Kong to Foshan, leading Foshan's manufacturing industry forward.

The events marked a new chapter in the efforts of FHIDZ to drive high-quality industrial development: Three collaborative express projects were formally signed at the event site; The Innovation Lighthouse, dedicated to technology achievement transformation and talent cultivation, was officially established; And awards were presented for the 2023 demonstration projects of new technology application scenario within FHIDZ.

Driving Product Innovation, Representatives from Multiple Collaborating Parties Signed Agreements On-site

Located in Shunde, Foshan, Thomson (Guangdong) Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is a small household appliance company targeting the mid-to-high-end market. With the continuous innovation in the small household appliance industry, Thomson is constantly exploring new technologies to create new growth points for the company. 

The 2023 Torch Express has opened a new avenue of product innovation for Thomson.

"Since our products have always targeted the mid-to-high-end market, we need more cutting-edge technologies from universities to revolutionize our products and maintain our market position," said Wang Cheng, Director of Product Management at Thomson. He mentioned that they have partnered with Professor Yang Zhiyu's team at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and are actively collaborating on substantial noise reduction for household appliances. It is expected that there will be a noiseless range hood available next year.

Yang Zhiyu introduced that his research team has been dedicated to the study of acoustic metamaterials for many years, always keeping in mind of how to effectively address noise pollution. They have already undertaken relevant practical applications. The collaboration with Foshan company is a promising start, and he believes that in the future, acoustic metamaterials will have even broader applications in the manufacturing industry in Foshan.

Representative of 2023 Torch Express Signed Cooperation Agreement On-site

Thomson and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology have formed a successful partnership, illustrating the fruitful outcomes of the 2023 Torch Express. Since its launch in June, the 2023 Torch Express has led Foshan enterprises to enter Hong Kong for the first time and again into Beijing to announce their demands. It has actively engaged with universities and research institutions, facilitating detailed and practical matchmaking between supply and demand, resulting in numerous successful collaboration outcomes.

On that day, representatives from Beijing Normal University, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and the Institute of Process Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences signed cooperation agreements on-site with Derong Technology (Foshan) Co., Ltd., Thomson (Guangdong) Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., and Guangdong Bangpu Circulation Technology Co., Ltd., respectively. These companies were representatives of the successful collaboration outcomes facilitated by the 2023 Torch Express.

Five-Year Operation of Torch Express Propels Region into Innovation Spotlight

Industrial development calls for rapid technological advancements, bridging the gap between scientific papers and industry application.

In 2019, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China decided to launch a nationwide Technology Transformation Roadshow initiative. Responding actively to this call, FHIDZ took on the responsibility of hosting the roadshow for five consecutive year, as the only National Hi-tech Zone in Guangdong province. The goal is to forge a nationally influencial public service brand for scientific achievement transformation.

On the site of the 2023 Torch Express Sci-tech Achievement Transformation Cooperation (Foshan)

In the past five years, FHIDZ has followed the initiative to connect Foshan's industries and enterprises with external resources and demands. They have ventured to Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong for multiple times, engaging with universities, research institutions, and financial capitals. Through these efforts, they have successfully collected nearly 400 technological achievements from universities and research institutions, servicing for over 230 industrial needs. This has facilitated the on-the-ground transformation of more than 30 technological achievements in Foshan, linking the city's industrial upgrades with nationwide innovation and technology resources.

An Jianguang, Deputy Inspector of the Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province, stated that FHIDZ, as a significant engine for scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading in Foshan, has actively hosted the Torch Express for five consecutive years. This initiative has established a precise and efficient public service platform for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Bringing the demands of Foshan enterprises to Hong Kong and Beijing for precise coordination, they have further advanced the precise integration between scientific and technological resources and Foshan industries. This has facilitated numerous collaborations between universities and enterprises, and further ignited the vitality of technological innovation in enterprises, accelerating the high-quality development of industries.

Guo Mingqiang, deputy secretary-general of the Foshan Municipal Government, stated that the Torch Express would establish a conversion mechanism among the government, universities, enterprises, investment institutions and serving institutions. FHIDZ has collaborated with multiple universities and research institutions in Beijing and Hong Kong. Through detailed investigation in both demand and supply for technological resource, it is expected to build a more efficient "Science and innovation resources + Foshan industry" communication, and an deeply integrated technology innovation system that is led by market and driven by enterprises.

The inauguration ceremony of Innovation Lighthouse Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation and Talent Cultivation Base

Scientific achievements will generate actual production once they complete marketization, industrialization and transformation.

On the event site, Guangdong Fogao Holding Co., LTD and Guangdong University Research Findings Commercialization Center have shown up to celebrate the establishment of Innovation Lighthouse Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation and Talent Cultivation Base in Foshan Talent Innovation Lighthouse Industrial Park. It will tighten the collaboration among Foshan industries, scientific achievements, talents, serving resources, eventually build a scientific and technological achievements transformation platform and highland in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area.

"New Technologies + Application Scenario" to stimulate the achievement transformation

According to the report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we must regard science and technology as our primary productive force, talent as our primary resource, and innovation as our primary driver of growth. We will fully implement the strategy for invigorating China through science and education, the workforce development strategy, and the innovation-driven development strategy. We will open up new areas and new arenas in development and steadily foster new growth drivers and new strengths.

The innovation in application provides important platform for new technologies and new technology transformations, which would significantly stimulate the transformation of scientific achievements. Therefore, it is considered as one important factor in leading manufacturing industries to explore new fields and new opportunities.

FHIDZ has taken the lead in the innovation of application scenario, for instance, it has released several policies, including Foshan National High-tech Industrial Development Zone Scenario Innovation Three-year Action Plan and Supportive Measures for New Technology Application Scenario Innovation by the Management Committee of Foshan National High-tech Industrial Development Zone.

In 2023, FHIDZ has launched the declaration for new technology application scenario demonstration projects for the first time, covering six major application scenarios, efficient production, collaborative R&D, product intelligentization, power management, effective marketing and convenient logistics.

8 outstanding demonstration projects have been awarded

8 outstanding demonstration projects, including home energy smart management system demonstration project, Intelligent R&D, production and application demonstration of core components and whole machine of heavy-duty industrial robots, Research and demonstration application of lithium battery automatic disassembly technology, have been awarded.

Notably, intensive storage transportation in the warehouse storage scenario by Guangdong Tuskrobots Co., LTD is also recognized by FHIDZ. Commented by Tian Guangyi, Vice president of Guangdong Tuskrobots Co., LTD, the policy support from the government would greatly enhance the company’s confidence in promoting technologies. It also help reducing the communication cost between the company and market and accelerating the landing of application scenario project. Furthermore, the support is quite generous, with the maximum being 40% of initial construction investment, which significantly mitigates the funding pressure. It allows the company to allocate more capital in R&D, which is beneficial to enhance individual competitiveness.

Execution is the key to methodology. In the future, FHIDZ will strive to improve technology innovation and achievement transformation. Piled on the requirement of high-quality development for manufacturing industry, FHIDZ would consistently operate the Torch Express to cultivate remarkable driving forces in the high-quality construction of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area.

Reporter | Eleanor, Eddie

Revisor | Lynn, Jessica

Photo | Foshan News and Media Center