On February 12, 2023, the groundbreaking ceremony of “Pine Garden Greenery Project” and the opening ceremony of Foshan High-level Talents Service Zone, were held at Foshan Park. Essentially, “Pine Garden Greenery Project” will introduce more leisure venues for residents, so as to foster a quality living environment for residents in Foshan Sanlongwan Sci-Tech City, which is progressively an ideal destination for talents from all over the world.
Talents gathered up at Pine Garden
Brand new “Smart Eye” to attract talents
Led by the Management Committee of Foshan Sino-German Industrial Service Zone (Foshan Sanlongwan Sci-Tech City), the project will build a rare pine forest in the southern area of the High-level Talents Service Zone of Foshan, which serves as a place for rest, leisure and a venue for outdoor talent campaigns.
Graphic map
“Pine Garden Greenery Project” will also include upgrading work in greening, garden construction, facilities installation (including irrigation system, outdoor water supply and drainage system lighting system and monitoring system). As scheduled to wrap up by the end of May 2023, the project covers a design area of 20,100 square meters and a floor area of 12,000 square meters.
The project follows a concept of “Foshan Smart Eyes” - an eye of lion dance art that represents the glorious Foshan culture; an eye of the gold that signifies the scientific and technological progression in Foshan Sanlongwan Sci-Tech City; an eye of the nebula that embraces yearning for a better life among local residents.
High quality control is demanded in the whole construction process. “Pine Garden Greenery Project” will strive to attract high-level talents from China and the rest of the world, and breed stronger innovation and creativity.
Eco-friendly approach empowers more talent attraction
Jihua Laboratory. (Photo by Song Zitan)
The first talent cycling contest in Sanlongwan
In Sanlongwan, “Pine Garden Greenery Project” is a key step on its way to improve talent services and its living environment.
In the future, more quality services will be presented at Foshan High-level Talents Service Zone, including talent exchanges, sports and leisure events.
Author | Jersey
Reviser | Eleanor, Jessica
Photo | Sanlongwan Sci-Tech City