Prosperity in Every Bite: Foshan's Lettuce Feast Festival Draws Thousands to Celebrate Tradition
Foshan China 2024-03-08 15:57

On March 6, the 400-year-old Guanyao Lettuce Feast Festival commenced in front of the Fengshan Ancient Temple in Foshan, Guangdong, attracting thousands of people on to enjoy this colorful and lively celebration.

Citizens happily pose for photos at the bustling Feast

The festivities, which are designated as a provincial intangible cultural heritage, kicked off with traditional performances, including dynamic sparkler-grabbing, mesmerizing lion dances, and humorous skits, captivating the crowds and setting the stage for a day of joyous celebration.

A variety of performances entertain the crowds

At the heart of the festival lies the tradition of lettuce wrapping and feasting, symbolizing prosperity and auspicious beginnings. Tens of thousands of people joined the feast, eagerly wrapping lettuce leaves around delicacies such as mushroom-cooked pork, vermicelli with dried shrimp, and pickled cabbage with clam meat, imbuing each bite with blessings of wealth, longevity, and happiness.

Spectators enjoy performances while indulging in the festival feast

Clam meat, mushroom-cooked pork, and vermicelli with dried shrimp are wrapped in lettuce leaves to create the iconic "lettuce wraps."

Auspicious and flavorful lettuce wraps, symbolizing prosperity and good fortune

The event's location at the Fengshan Ancient Temple, steeped in history and legend, adds to the festival's allure. According to local folklore, the temple serves as the birthplace of the Guanyao Lettuce Feast Festival, with residents flocking to the site annually on the twenty-sixth day of the first lunar month to seek blessings for prosperity and fertility.

In addition to the traditional festivities, this year's event expanded to include the opening of the bustling Guanyao Trendy Street. The street was transformed into a vibrant marketplace, lined with stalls offering local specialties, cultural merchandise, and, of course, the coveted lettuce wraps, creating a lively atmosphere that resonated with excitement and camaraderie.

Visitors browse through stalls

This year's lettuce feast, whether at the main venue or the trendy street, is meticulously planned and full of folk charm. People express their joy and appreciation for the festivities, especially the revitalization of the trendy street, noting its transformation into a clean and charming place.

The Festival serves as the highlight of the Folk Cultural Activities Month in Shishan Town's series of events for the Year of the Dragon 2024. The month-long celebration, which includes various cultural activities and attractions, has attracted over 3 million participants, both locally and online, underscoring the festival's significance as a cultural landmark to the enduring appeal of Foshan's rich heritage.

Looking ahead, Shishan Town remains committed to preserving and promoting its cultural legacy, with plans to further develop its festival offerings. With initiatives like the Foshan Nanshi Football Club aimed at stimulating the local economy and fostering community engagement, Shishan Town is poised to continue its tradition of cultural celebration and prosperity for years to come.


Revisor丨Eddie, Zoey

Photo丨Foshan News and Media Center