​Blooming Beauties: Splendor of Phoenix Flowers in Gaoming, Foshan
Foshan China 2024-05-16 17:12

Phoenix flowers in full bloom along the picturesque Xiuli Road, painting the entire stretch in fiery red.

Phoenix flowers embellish the Gaoming Sports Center.

Reflection of phoenix flowersinthe water at the Gaoming Sports Center.

Phoenix flowers bloom beside the Sanzhou Dragon Boat Base, adding vibrant colors.(Gaoming Converged Media Center/Zeng Jinfeng)

Phoenix flowers in full bloom at the Zhihu Wetland Park.(Gaoming Converged Media Center/Zeng Jinfeng)

Phoenix flowers at Linggui Park exudevibrant vitality.(Gaoming Converged Media Center/Zeng Jinfeng)

Reporter | Zoey

Revisor | Eddie,Eleanor

Photo | Gaoming Converged Media Center, Zeng Jinfeng

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