啊哒!李小龙在此,各路功夫迷快集合 Celebrate the birthday of Bruce Lee in Foshan | Amazing Foshan
Foshan China 2020-11-30 10:02



  Speaking of Kung Fu, you will probably think of Bruce Lee, an international martial arts star. And today we will talk about his ancestral home, a famous Kung Fu town - Junan Town in Shunde District, Foshan.

  △李小龙乐园 Bruce Lee Paradise

  今年11月27日,适逢李小龙诞辰80周年。各路功夫大IP将齐聚均安,从线上到线下横跨整个11月,以"功夫+" 为核心,融合均安镇本土旅游、美食、布艺等特色文化,开展充满创意的文化活动。

  This year’s November 27 marks the 80th anniversary of Bruce Lees birth. Cored with "Kung Fu +", various online and offline Kung-Fu themed activities covering the whole November will integrate local tourism, delicious food, cloth art and other characteristic cultures of Jun’an Town to carry out creative cultural activities.


  Come and enjoy the unique charm of Jun’an Kung-Fu Town!

  功夫+创作 Kung Fu + Video


  Join the topic #Bruce Lee Imitation Contest on Tik Tok, and @CultureJun’an for the Bruce Lee Imitation Contest.

  功夫+直播 Kung Fu + Live Streaming


  There are live streaming of Kung Fu masters, sharing stories of Foshan Kung Fu, Shunde Kung Fu, Bruce Lee’s story, Kung Fu food, Tai Chi Zen Kung Fu and Kung Fu on campus, etc.

  △顺峰小学武术队 Shunfeng Primary School Martial Art Team

  功夫+摄影 Kung Fu + Photography


  There are many great scenic spots in Jun’an for Kung Fu photography creation. Photographers from all over the world can enjoy a tour of Jun’an while participating in the Kung Fu photography competition.

  △摄影打卡点:李小龙祖居Bruce Lees Ancestral Home

  △摄影打卡点:李小龙乐园Bruce Lee Paradise

  △摄影打卡点:李小龙墙绘Bruce Lee Wall Painting

  功夫+跑步 Kung Fu + Running

  悦跑圈发起“李小龙线上跑”, 悦跑圈用户不限时间地点,通过参与线上跑活动纪念李小龙,强健体魄,身体力行地传承李小龙的精神。

  The Joyrun has initiated “Bruce Lee Online Running”, in which app users can participate in the activity online at any time or place to exercise for health and inherit Bruce Lee’s spirit.

  功夫+电竞 Kung Fu + E-sports


  The game "King of Glory" has launched the Bruce Lee skin, which has become a huge hit among gamers.

  功夫+艺术 Kung Fu + Art


  Liang Jingxiang, a young artist living in Foshan, holds a painting exhibition about Bruce Lee at Bruce Lee Paradise. What are Bruce Lees classic images look like under Liang’s creation? Welcome to visit the "Soul of Dragon" Oil Painting Exhibition.

  △部分参展作品 Part of the exhibits

  功夫+历史 Kung Fu + History


  A Bruce Lee tribute ceremony will be held on the morning of November 27. There will be many wonderful activities, such as Bruce Lee fan parade square, traditional martial arts schools performance, the introduction of Bruce Lees life, Taiji Zen Temple going into campus, and the establishment of Kung Fu Education Association in Shunde District, which will pay tribute to Bruce Lee, inherit Bruce Lee’s spirit, and build a Kung Fu Town in Jun’an!

  功夫+传承 Kung Fu + Inheritance


  All Bruce Lee fans gather! The fourth anniversary celebration of the World’s Bruce Lee Fans Club will be held on the afternoon of November 27 at Bruce Lee Paradise.

  △世界龙迷会三周年庆典盛况 The third anniversary celebration of the World’s Bruce Lee Fans Club

  功夫+专业格斗 Kung Fu + Wrestling


  Every year, MMC holds more than 100 professional fighting competitions in the Asia-Pacific region. This time, it will hold the Shunde Kung Fu Contest to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Bruce Lees birth, which will carry forward traditional Chinese culture and Shunde martial arts culture, and enhance the soft power of national culture.

  功夫+互动体验 Kung Fu + Interactive experience


  The Jun’an Kung Fu + Culture Week is elaborately designed with rich activities. Professional wrestling competitions, hundreds-of-people martial arts squares, Kung Fu equipment, martial arts halls, cloth workshops and small Kung Fu arenas will allow you to immerse yourself in the Kung Fu culture.

  △功夫小擂台:功夫音乐+游戏互动 Small Kung Fu arenas: Kung Fu music + game interactions

  △武馆+功夫展览 Martial arts halls + Kung Fu exhibitions

  △布坊+创意市集 Cloth workshops + creative bazaars


  The Jun’an Kung Fu + Culture Week


  and series activities of the 80th anniversary of Bruce Lee’s Birth


  are waiting for you!





  审校:Annie, Anthony, 王骏,陈婉萍