非洲小伙跟非遗大师学武术 Overseas student pursues Kung-Fu dream in Foshan | Amazing Foshan
Foshan China 2021-08-06 09:34



Learning martial arts with masters of intangible cultural heritages and being on television...How did Rajabu Kelvin Milinga, an overseas student from Tanzania pursue his Kung-Fu dream in Foshan? Lets hear his story.



A Kung-Fu dream born in the Kung-Fu city


凯文的本名叫Rajabu Kelvin Milinga,2019年9月从坦桑尼亚来到佛山,目前就读于广东东软学院国际教育学院软件工程专业。

Rajabu Kelvin Milinga came to Foshan in September 2019 and is now studying software engineering in Neusoft Institute Guangdong.

学校坐落于佛山,是闻名的“武术之乡”、“功夫之城”,诞生了咏春拳、蔡李佛拳、洪拳等流派。来到佛山后,凯文便对功夫文化产生了浓厚的兴趣,看了不少功夫电影后,逐渐萌生了拜师习武的想法。As the Hometown of Martial Arts and City of Kung-Fu, Foshan has varied Kung-Fu genres such as Wing Chun, Choy Li Fut, Hong Boxing, etc. After Kelvin came to Foshan, he grew interest in Kung-Fu culture and watched a lot of Kung-Fu films, so he came up with the idea of learning martial arts from masters.

老师牵线 拜师非遗传人

 Meet the chance of learning from master



To Kelvin’s surprise, there is a martial arts course in school. Zeng Hong, a P.E. teacher of Neusoft Institute Guangdong, is a national first-level social sports instructor who is good at martial arts teaching, and has served as a stage director in Foshan Hongsheng Hall that has a history of 170 years.

Zeng Hong


Recommended by Miss Zeng, Kelvin began to learn martial arts from Li Weifeng, a teacher from Foshan Hongsheng Hall, and the municipal designated inheritor of Foshan Intangible Cultural Heritage Project-Choy Li Fut.

Kung-Fu master Li Weifeng

刚开始学习时,凯文觉得学武术很难,每次练习完都浑身疼痛。但李伟峰老师一直鼓励他,用适合他的方式一步步教导。凯文自己也非常刻苦学习,坚持训练。Kelvin first found it difficult to learn martial arts. His muscle was left in pain after every practice. But Li Weifeng has always encouraged him and taught step by step in a way that fits him. Kelvin also worked very hard and kept on training.



Learned the spirit of "inheritance" in practice

广东电视台《万家灯火》栏目 Klevins story covered on GDTV


In the process of practicing martial arts, Kelvin witnessed the unremitting efforts of Chinese people for the inheritance of martial arts culture.


Foshan Hongsheng Hall, where Kelvin practices martial arts, is committed to the promotion of martial arts culture by holding charitable courses in the schools and promoting in more than 50 countries and regions around the world. Now inheritors have spread around the world.


Miss Zeng’s team is doing a project on the inheritance and development of Choy Li Fut in the wave of Internet Plus. Hopefully in the future, a “Kung-Fu town” will be opened in universities, and martial arts culture can go further with the help of Internet Plus.

在练武的过程中,凯文也领略到了文化传承的精神。他希望未来在自己的国家开一家武术学校,教家乡的人们学中国武术、基础汉语及其他中国文化。“为了成为一名优秀的武术老师,我要继续加油!”他说。Kelvin appreciated the spirit of inheritance and hoped to start a martial arts school in his hometown in the future, teaching Chinese martial arts, basic Chinese and other Chinese cultures. "To become an excellent martial arts teacher, I will keep going for it!" He said.


Author | Eleanor

Revisor | Jersey, Jessica

Video | Neusoft Institute Guangdong