Art Field Nanhai Guangdong 2022 opened on Nov.18
Foshan China 2022-11-21 16:29

On November 18, Art Field Nanhai Guangdong 2022 opened in Xiqiao Town, Nanhai District, Foshan. The art festival is held in 8 areas, showing 73 art projects created by 134 artists. What chemistry will be there when modern elements meet local native cultures in the GBA? Check out the video to find out.

The festival mainly last from November 18 in 2022 to February 19 in 2023 and later on the exibition wil be open to the general public from spring in 2023 to summer in 2024.

With the theme of "The Original Bay Area" and the festival thread of "Art at Qiaoshan", this art festival is organized based on 8 key words which show main cultural elements of Nanhai. Using an artistic creation method of localization, the festival is to tell stories of regional culture in Nanhai.

Author | May

Revisor | Jersey, Eleanor
