Gaoming to Develop Persimmon Product Industry Chain and Create Beef Hotpot Town
Foshan China 2024-08-21 17:15

On August 16, Li Yanfang, Deputy Director of the Gaoming District State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, addressed issues related to state-owned enterprise operations, public services, and responded to questions from local residents in the radio program.

Establishing a Persimmon Product Industry Chain

Some residents have provided suggestions about releasing the potential economic benefits from the recent planting of persimmon trees in Gaoming, by developing an industry around the persimmons.

In response, Li Yanfang stated that Mingnong Company, a subsidiary of the District's State-owned Assets Bureau, has come up with plans to develop a persimmon product industry chain, including persimmon cakes, persimmon ice cream, and persimmon vinegar.

Volunteers plant persimmon trees in Shangwan Village, Hecheng Sub-district, Gaoming District. (Photo by Hong Hai, Gaoming Converged Media Center)

Currently, Mingnong Company has already completed 900 mu of persimmons plantation, out of the planned 2,100 mu in Yanghe Town's Zaomu Mountain and Datian Village. The main varieties planted include the "Taiqiu Sweet Persimmon" and "Ice Cream White Persimmon."

Some persimmon trees in Jitian Village, Genghe Town, harvested in late May. (Photo by Fan Jicheng, Foshan News and Media Center)

Developing a Beef Hotpot Town in Gaoming

Meanwhile, residents also made an enquiry about the beef production in Gaoming. As the beef product of Gaoming Ninghui Meat Processing Factory received wide recognition, residents wonder whether there are plans to promote.

Gu Xiaoqing, Deputy Section Chief of the Reform and Development Division, confirmed that Gaoming would further expand into the food and beverage sector by establishing a "Beef Hotpot Town." The initiative aims to make high-quality beef more accessible to residents and visitors, allowing them to enjoy fresh and delicious beef dishes close to home.

Gu also expressed that Gaoming is exploring partnerships with trendy local tourist spots to open branches of beef restaurants, thereby increasing market coverage and providing a convenient and high-quality dining experience for more consumers.

Beef with delicate red-and-white patterns, resembling frost flowers. (Photo by Hong Hai, Gaoming Converged Media Center)

Reporter | Zoey

Revisor | Eddie, Eleanor

Photo | Gaoming Converged Media Center, Foshan News and Media Center

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